Story #20: Christmas in the woods

I had been pregnant sick for many months and my husband and I decided to get away from being so home bound so we decided to spend Christmas in a cabin in the mountains. We decided that we would not lag tons of presents and decorations because I still was not feeling well and could not exert a lot of energy. So we decided we would create a homemade Christmas once we got there. There were not a lot of people around so the Christmas pace slowed nearly to a standstill which felt strange. With only the forest and snow around there was not much commercialism. My husband took our two children in the woods behind the house and cut down a small pine tree and brought it inside to decorate. They loved the adventure of finding it in the snow. We used tin foil, paper chains, and popcorn to decorate. We ended up buying a small strand of lights at the grocery store so it would light up when the other lights were off. It was snowy and cold but we built fires and played games all snug inside the cabin. Santa found us in the woods that year. The children were worried. But he managed still to do it. There was nothing fancy about it. But that little Christmas is so fond to me.

Nearly 20 years later we chose to do a 2nd Christmas in the mountains. Our family had grown substantially being teens and above. When we got there we bought a little tree at a nearby tree lot but once again created homemade decorations out of foil, popcorn and paper chains. Our children were game when I got out string and glue to help make the cabin festive. Once again there was a calm pace at the cabin during the quiet wintertime. Santa once again found us in the woods. He manages to do so.

I love Christmas at home. But when I begin to feel that anxious panic during the holidays stuck in traffic, forgetting or worrying that I won’t be able to find the right gifts, preparing lots of food,  getting the wrapping done in time, or trying my best to uphold the Christmas atmosphere… I like to calm myself by thinking about Christmas in the middle of the mountains all wintry quiet celebrating Jesus’ birth with those I love most.

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